Gregory Stephen Cox - Your Affiliate Manager and publisher of the Brand Assets Page
Gregory Stephen Cox – Your Affiliate Manager and publisher of the Brand Assets Page

Hello my name is Greg Cox and I am Gwyneth’s partner and affiliate manager. This Brand Assets  page is to help affiliates to follow my suggested guidelines when promoting the Practitioners course and a brand awareness that conforms to Crystal Heart logos, colour themes etc. If you are not an affiliate but would like to apply please  go here.

At this point I want to tell you that this is a top quality course that is a sum of Gwyneth’s life work and with it comes her integrity and unique perspective on crystal healing. She cares deeply about her students and is always there to spend time with them should they request it.

You can find courses that are a fraction of the price of this one but you will find none of the above attributes to them. This is important for all of our affiliates to know because this course is a cut above the rest and should be promoted as such. This is a high ticket affiliate opportunity that we want to see many succeed with.

Wishing you all the very best


Brand Assets

The logo

The logo above is  of a high resolution and you should use this when ever possible. After you have downloaded (right click and save to your folder on your hard drive) it you can then make different versions of the size to suit your needs.

Brand Assets – Colours

 use this for text where possible

 add this for both text and background fill

 use sparingly for fills

A clean white background for you page is simple. It is recommended.

Gwyneth the Brand

 This is a good image of Gwyneth. Full title is Gwyneth Robbins Cox and aka ‘The Crystal Guru’ Use it where it is most effective for you


You will  find a few banners in the creative section on your affiliate dashboard. But you can create your as long as you keep to our colours.

Below are some of the most common specifications for digital creative banners as noted in the IAB Display Advertising Guidelines. I highly recommend to create your own designs. You can customize the sizes to these.

Creative banner dimensions (Width x Height) in pixels:
Banner file size:
40kb is recommended for a faster load time

Please now visit the page Affiliate Support – Promoting The Course