Tips and Suggestions for promoting the course

The eBook

When promoting the course there are many ways to approach it. This is the eBook that serves as a guide for people that have some interest in becoming a Crystal Healing Practitioner.

*Please save the image above to your hard drive for future use

The best way to use this eBook when promoting the course itself is to give it away in exchange for someones email and in so doing build a list for yourself. You will be creating a very targeted list that you know is made up of interested people.

You will have to have a dedicated lead capture page or form on your site that offers this book.

In the eBook there is just one link to the main website embedded in it at the end. This will have to be changed to include your affiliate link in place of it. I will change the link for you but you will have to request this service by using the form below and putting in the appropriate details. Because this is my time the first request is free any subsequent requests will have a small charge attached to it. So please think about what url you want to link to. Is it a direct link to this site or to your own?

This eBook is probably the most powerful way of bringing in sales ultimately and your re-branded eBook will be somewhere on the internet being shared  for a very long time to come with your link embedded.


  • Please add your name, email and url link in the box provided. Be careful to include the full url address you want to have the eBook guide direct to including the http(s). It could be your affiliate link or a variation of it or it could be a link to your blog post for example. Your first submission is free but subsequent ones will have a minimal charge of $5. This will be invoiced to your email if this is the case. I will get the re -branding done for you as soon as I can and notify you and where to download it. Thank you Greg Cox



Promoting with Social Media

Remember to build the relationships first and to gently recommend secondly. If people get to like you they will buy from you. You are the real person that has some authority and knowledge and they will trust you in time.


If you don’t already have one create a page about crystal healing. Be an authority on crystals and the healing aspects. Occasionally put in a banner or text link using your  affiliate url.

Advertise with Facebook ads . The best strategy is to send people to your lead capture page or FaceBook Page to build that list of interested and potential buyers of the course.


Create a twitter account about crystal healing and post often. Don’t spam your followers or they will leave. Just be subtle with your recommendations. Be consistent and interesting to gain followers.


Pinterest is powerful and should not be overlooked. In the creatives section of your dashboard you will find a couple of banners that are the right size for Pinterest. The system provides a code to display it with your affiliate link but for Pinterest you need to ignore the code as it does not work that way.

Create a Pinterest board about crystals. Start to find other related and popular boards and save them to your own. When you have a good amount put in your pinterest images that you have downloaded or created yourself . People will begin to collect images(pins) to put on there own boards and they will put on your affiliate pins as well. It takes time to build but well worth it.

Promoting with Video -YouTube /Vimeo

Create your own channel and make some videos about your passion for crystals. In the description put your affiliate link or webpage link at the beginning or wherever it is easily read. Another method is to contact the publisher of a relevant YouTube channel and ask them if you could put your link in their description. Many marketers do this. They offer a fee or percentage of the sales generated .


If you already run a blog,great! Create articles and put your text links in. Remember to share your posts on your social networking sites. You can also social bookmark those posts and get backlinks to your blog. You can put banners on your blog with your affiliate link embedded.

Find popular blogs in the relevant niche and contact the owner. Then if you have their consent probably after a fee is paid then your banner will attract clicks.

Promoting Offline

Don’t forget many people will prefer to meet you in the ‘real world’ and you can build trust with them when you do. You can organize talks, go to events, run a stall  and hold meetings.

When you do, you need to have printed promotional copy with your webpage or lead capture page clearly printed on it.

Link to the Affiliates FAQs page go here

I will be adding more to this page in time.

Thank you for reading

Greg Cox

Affiliate Manager